Sep 4, 20232 min read
Root of Our Suffering: Psychological Time
The swallows rode the wind high above the lake, slicing the air, gliding hither and thither. One wonders if this is how they play, or is...

Feb 3, 20231 min read
What is love?
What is love? Is what we call love actually love? What is it that is at play when we tell someone we love them? Is it not that this...

Nov 28, 20223 min read
Can our anxiety come to an end?
The swallows rode the wind high above the lake, dipping suddenly, slicing the air, gliding hither and thither. One wonders if this is how...

Oct 22, 20221 min read
Thank You Heartbreak
I am so grateful to you, heartbreak, for breaking my tender heart. Your ache hurled me off my shoddy raft of fear into the depths of...

Oct 3, 20224 min read
Do we understand the movement of our thoughts?
Can we ask ourselves if we understand deeply the movement of thought in our being? As of yet, the answer is no. Each one of us can...

Sep 23, 20222 min read
One wonders what is one to do with one’s one wild precious life
A duck waddled to the edge of the lake, and perched on a half submerged log. Having found a stable footing, it began to bathe, twisting...

Aug 16, 20225 min read
Insight into the mind's chatter
The magnolia tree had all but a few flowers left, glowing white among the green leaves that grew denser as the days stretched longer and...